Thank you everyone for the overwhelming support!
To everyone who supported this first “Skookum” printing of the Analog Explorer- THANK YOU!
The Analog Explorer Vol.1 (regular edition)
If you missed out on getting one of the limited signed Skookum editions, but still want to get a copy of the regular edition- no worries! The regular (unsigned/unnumbered) edition will be available for purchase though a direct printing service after The Analog Explorer Meetup on December 2nd. I will be announcing how you can order a copy of a regular edition next weekend! Be sure to sign up for blog updates to know when ordering goes live.
I look forward to meeting all of the Skookum Analog Explorers at our meet up. If you selected “local pickup,” keep an eye on your email for details of the time and location. If you ordered one for delivery, I will be shipping them out next weekend!!
Thank you everyone!