Virtual Studio Tour; Video

AJ's hand reaching down to grab camera off journal on a bench

Thank you everyone who registered and joined in for the Virtual Studio Tour, and my thanks for WWU Alumni for hosting it. And as always, a big thanks to everyone for their support.

Via WWU Alumni Vimeo:

As I’ve said before, for me it is hard not to have ‘time’ or horology show up in my photography style. Photographers; we were the first ‘timelords’ . Being able to capture stories and preserve moments, pass them on, and retell them. For many in the #watchfam, this is true of the watches we have on or wrists. But strip away the kit, the watches, and everything else; photography for me is about being out and about, seeing life, and collecting stories. It is as much a part of my analog manifesto as the art of photography itself. As my favorite fictional philosopher once said, in his many lives;

“We are all just stories in the end, so make mine a good one ..”

The Doctor. Doctor Who
Video Short; from Bellingham’s October ‘Virtual Studio Tour’ with WWU Alumni

Fresh from Instagram…
