Nik: What’s in my [Digital] Camera Bag

screen20shot202016 03 2520at2011 11 3420am

Originally posted to Patreon:

If you have followed my photography, even before Patreon, you know I’ve mentioned an iOS app called Snapseed. One of my go-to apps on iOS or Android for mobile editing photos. That app, although branded Google, came from a company that they acquired about 3 years ago named Nik Software.

With it Google has slowly been rolling out updates, and features but also been keeping alive Nik’s former software suite (Nik Collection), pricing it at around $150.

 However, as of yesterday Nik/Google posted on Google Plus (naturally):

“Starting March 24, 2016, the latest Nik Collection will be freely available to download: Analog Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, Viveza, HDR Efex Pro, Sharpener Pro and Dfine. If you purchased the Nik Collection in 2016, you will receive a full refund, which we’ll automatically issue back to you in the coming days.”

Now it is a hefty download, installing in about 6GB, but this powerful toolset could help any patron bring a new flavor of creative to their photography. And it does have plugins to integrate into Lightroom/Aperture/Photoshop etc.

With the Nik Collection, think of each of their 8 apps as a specialized Lightroom or Photoshop like tool, with controls and “recipes” (presets) that you can build and use on each genera of your photography (monochrome, portraits, HDR, etc).

Best of all; it is available Mac and PC!

I would encourage any and all patrons to at least give it a download if you have been wanting a “Lightroom” like app, and see what this software collection can do for your own photography.

As with any free app, bare in mind you get what you paid for. And Google is well known for cutting-and-running from their products. But until they do, with the Nik Collection, at least you now have a new free tool in your own Digital Camera Bag.

For more; become a Patreon patron and support posts like this, as well as the photography behind Every Moment has a Story.

