Journey to become a “Timelord”

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What would it take to make a “Northwest Built” Swiss watch? I don’t know, but working on finding out.

Taking the traditional “geek in the garage” approach of building something, I wonder if I could build something so small and percise using “off the shelf” parts. After quite a bit of research and finding sites that would have them, I’ve acquired some of the basic tools for watchmaking. I’ve been sourcing materials from around the world for this project; Switzerland, Indonesia, Texas, Japan, and yes even China. The art and engineering behind this original ‘wearable tech,’ is astounding. And puts silica-computing almost to shame at times.

I thought internal hard-drive screws were small…I was wrong.

The difference of .2mm is critical in this world. SO much so, I have found that I do not have enough lift in the pinyon and minute wheel to clear the applied dial indicators. AND, the hands that I originally order, will not fit the shafts for the dials (Chinese  movements use different diameters)

It has taken me months to get this far, this micro-making world takes patience. Patience of hand, and patience to the arrival of parts from around the world. In the computing world- things generally just “fit” together, and easily attainable.

By the end of this, I hope to be an actual ‘Timelord.’

The process and exploration continues…



